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Head-Space Cube

This assignments an individual assignment. This assignment is based on the movie 'INSIDE OUT' and I was assigned to build a space mainly focusing on personal space for the character named 'ANGER'. Based on his personalities, likes and dislikes, I need to build a space that is suitable for 'ANGER' while studying personal spaces.

INSIDE OUT   Head-Space Cube: Projects

Final Assignment Progress


I watched a movie name 'INSIDE OUT' to understand more about the character 'ANGER' this is because I was assigned to build a space for 'ANGER' based on his personalities and what does he need. It is also to provide 'ANGER' with more personal space based on my model that im going to make

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​I listed down the personalities , likes and dislikes of the character 'ANGER' based on my understanding through watching the movie. I focused a lot on the details in the movie. Then I started my bubble diagram to plan out what are my spaces and where to put them. 

I then started to sketch my model and build it. I imagined a big entrance large and airy for 'ANGER' to let go of his emotions freely then there will be open and closed space with and additional of relax area. All of these spaces are build for 'ANGER' to feel relaxed and do things he likes in his own personal space.

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WhatsApp Image 2021-11-30 at 8.49.52 PM (1).jpeg

After my mock-up model, I reflect back on the feedbacks and did some minor changes and settled down with it as my final model. I added more closed space and also added a water fountain based on the concept of "water puts out fire".

INSIDE OUT   Head-Space Cube: Projects

Assignment Slides Presentation

INSIDE OUT   Head-Space Cube: Files


In this assignment, I felt that it was the most fun out of the three assignment in this module. This is because we were not restricted at all on the design concept. I had fun watching the movie and understanding more about 'ANGER'. I learnt on how to build personal space based on someone's personalities, likes and also dislikes.

INSIDE OUT   Head-Space Cube: Text
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